Towarzystwo Kulturalne im. Oskara Kolberga w Przysusze
Category VII. Honorable mention to institutions and nongovernmental organizations deserved in the field of safeguarding and popularization of folk culture
Ziemia Przysuska
Towarzystwo Kulturalne im. Oskara Kolberga w Przysusze / Oskar Kolberg Cultural Society in Przysucha
Przysucha, Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Ziemia Przysuska (Przysucha Land)
The society’s foremost objective is to preserve and document the traditional culture of the borderland of Opoczno and Radom through the annual organisation of folk presentations – the Dni Kolbergowskie (Kolberg Days). The society also runs projects aimed at maintaining the memory of Oskar Kolberg and his relationship with the town of Przysucha, in addition to promoting the local history and culture.
The institution began its operations in 2004, its president is Mr Jerzy Kwaśniewski and most of its members are closely associated with culture and education in Przysucha.
The society publishes materials and documents concerning the history and present life of the town and powiat (district) of Przysucha. It organises cultural and tourist/sightseeing events, conferences, popular science symposia and folk art workshops, including those addressed to the young generation. It disseminates the knowledge on the life and work of Oskar Kolberg. It supplies information on the people and institutions that have worked for the benefit of Przysucha Land.
The most important cultural event organised by the Oskar Kolberg Cultural Society in Przysucha is the Kolberg Days, during which the folk artists and artisans have an opportunity to showcase their work. These presentations have been the springboard to the wider acclaim of numerous well-known and distinguished fiddlers, such as Józef Zaraś, Jan Gac, Piotr Gac and Jan Kmita. It also serves as a vehicle to promote the activities of young artists and organisers of folk culture events.
The Kolberg Days also holds a local qualifying round addressed to the participants from the region of Radom who dream of appearing in Kazimierz Dolny during the celebrated National Festival of Folk Bands and Singers. Another feature of the event is a series of handicraft workshops, where the remaining masters of dying trades, such as pottery, metal craftwork, weaving and the craft of wickerwork, familiarise the large audiences with their products and the techniques of production.
One of the institution’s latest enterprises, Potańcówka u Oskara Kolberga (Dance Party at Oskar Kolberg’s), has confirmed the importance of folk music for the inhabitants of villages and towns. This music has the power of activating and integrating people in every community.
Laureaci Nagrody 2023
- Zofia Nędza-Kubiniec
- Ludgarda Sieńko
- Jan Szymański
- Stanisław Wyżykowski
- Czesława Samsel
- Kazimierz Marcinek
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- Jadwiga Parecka
- Kapela Braci Adamczyków
- Zespół Śpiewaczy z Łukowej IV
- Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Łastiwoczka z Przemkowa
- Stowarzyszenie Muzyków Ludowych w Zbąszyniu
- Towarzystwo Kulturalne im. Oskara Kolberga w Przysusze